
Musicians' quotes / Citas de músicos (VIII)

I know of no reason why jazz [...] should sit down in a little corner and behave itself, and never venture out in any direction, and never be 'bad,' and never be 'annoying,' and 'Mind your manners!' Jazz should not, it never has, it never will, nor should it ever. Therefore, I strongly support those persons who would deviate from the norm and try things, and explore things, and experiment with things. Otherwise, jazz would still be sitting in a corner and behaving itself, being not naughty, and being a nice little boy. I see no reason for that, and I don't endorse that line of thinking at all.

JJ Johnson (1924-2001),
in a 1995 interview for Down Beat.


No sé de ningún motivo por el que el jazz [...] debiera sentarse en una esquinita y portarse bien, sin aventurarse en ninguna dirección y no portarse "mal" nunca, ni ser "molesto" y "¡a ver esos modales!" El jazz no debería ser así, nunca lo ha sido ni lo será, ni debería serlo nunca. En consecuencia, yo apoyo firmemente a quienes se salen de la norma y exploran o experimentan con cosas. Si no, el jazz todavía estaría sentado en una esquinita portándose bien, sin ser travieso y comportándose como un niño bueno. No veo motivo alguno para que sea así, y no respaldo esa línea de pensamiento para nada.

JJ Johnson (1924-2001)
en una entrevista para Down Beat, en 1995.


Anonymous said...

Although some types of "experimentation" in jazz make me want to leave the room or shut off the player, this is a lovely way of saying it . . . and we should remember just how naughty Louis and Earl and Lester and Bird seemed to their more staid contemporaries "within" the jazz world, to say nothing of how absolutely terrifying they seemed to the more conventional world of music.

Fernando Ortiz de Urbina said...

Hi Michael,

I guess the act of *daring* to try new things or explore new paths is positive in itself, even regardless of the result.