Part II of Ben Young's "Jazz 101", where he summarizes the evolution of the music and proposes the common characteristics to the jazz continuum.
Ben Young speaks (I)
(Para ir al texto en español pulsa aquí)
Like in any other art forms or specialist areas, as soon as one develops an interest in jazz and starts reading about it, certain names stick to one's mind, even without knowing who they refer to or why they are important. Normally this starts with musicians, but if the beginner's hunger is still what it was when I was getting started (when it wasn't so easy to get hold of things but the music came with art covers and liner notes), one reads everything remotely connected with jazz. I guess things have changed now, but recording credits and liner notes used to make names like Norman Granz, Michael Cuscuna, Rudy Van Gelder or Nat Hentoff part of your jazz vocabulary pretty quickly, depending on what you listened to.
Like in any other art forms or specialist areas, as soon as one develops an interest in jazz and starts reading about it, certain names stick to one's mind, even without knowing who they refer to or why they are important. Normally this starts with musicians, but if the beginner's hunger is still what it was when I was getting started (when it wasn't so easy to get hold of things but the music came with art covers and liner notes), one reads everything remotely connected with jazz. I guess things have changed now, but recording credits and liner notes used to make names like Norman Granz, Michael Cuscuna, Rudy Van Gelder or Nat Hentoff part of your jazz vocabulary pretty quickly, depending on what you listened to.
Is this the best current piano trio? /
¿Es este el mejor trío de piano actual?

El pasado 13 de abril, el Vortex, una de las salas más potentes de la escena londinense, presentó un lleno absoluto. El motivo: la presentación del último disco de Django Bates, un homenaje a Charlie Parker en formato de trío.
Semejante premisa –Bird en trío de piano– auguraba sorpresas en manos de Bates. Dada la trayectoria del pianista, raro iba a ser que el trío o los arreglos de un repertorio tan clásico anduvieran remotamente cerca de lo ortodoxo o lo previsible. Siendo eso cierto, nada podía haber preparado al público, ni siquiera a los seguidores más fieles de Bates, para este recital.
En directo, desde el Village Vanguard...

Just a brief note to tell you about the music recorded at the Village Vanguard you can hear online (streaming or, since last January, downloading).

La noticia es que desde principios de año los conciertos no sólo se pueden escuchar mediante streaming, sino que se pueden descargar desde aquí.
Un buen ejemplo de la intervención de un servicio público (y, por definición, sin ánimo de lucro) para hacer llegar buena música en buenas condiciones (al menos las que permiten los anchos de banda actuales) a los oyentes, sin necesidad de otros intermediarios.
No todo van a ser hecatombes y catástrofes en estos mundos virtuales.
Musicians' quotes / Citas de músicos
(Photo by Herb Snitzer)
"I never had a goal. I just wanted to play. And if I could make a living at it, I'd be happy."
(Benny Carter, whose career lasted over 60 years, in 1993)
"Nunca tuve un objetivo. Yo sólo quería tocar. Y si además podía ganarme la vida, yo feliz."
(Benny Carter, cuya carrera se extendió más de 60 años, en 1993)
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